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Our Employee-App

Appreciate & Reach.
On duty or mobile.

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Your #1 Employee-App


Strengthen and connect all health workers!

Reach all employees across wards and locations in real time and in compliance with the GDPR.

Network nurses, volunteers, or the transport service even without an e-mail address

Easy dispatch of findings sheets for billing, patient and fall reports, or material orders, including the option of countersignature

Continuous access to instructions, hygiene regulations, or training videos with read receipts, as well as current duty rosters and the employee directory.

Enables quick arrangements via chat incl. voice messages and photos and replaces the bulletin board

Binds and motivates your employees and promotes the recruitment of skilled workers

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Great customers who trust us

The recipe for communication success

Operational exchange for all

Keep your team up to date at all times. With push-notifications, all employees are informed of important changes - no matter where they are. Even assistants can use the app to find out what has changed in their absence in just a few minutes. This also enables rapid exchange among each other - short-term replacements can be organized quickly in the group. On request in 112 languages in real-time translation.

Provide everything in one app

Whether duty and shift schedules, hygiene instructions, time sheets or important information from the nursing management. All this takes place in the app, nothing gets lost and all internal news can always be found in one place - uncomplicated and intuitive. New employees can find their way around, and employees with smartphones have easy and secure access to the relevant data. Well protected, encrypted and of course GDPR compliant and stored only in Germany (Frankfurt a.M.).

Important instructions to the employees can also be easily acknowledged by the reader, so the management always has an overview of who is informed and who is not yet.

Speed up processes

Do you regularly need timesheets for billing nursing services? Job assignments are still posted on the bulletin board? That can be done better: With the Quiply app, photos of invoices can be uploaded directly from your smartphone. These are then processed collectively and stored in tables, for example. Always in compliance with data protection regulations.

Job assignments can be set digitally and sent to a pool of caregivers. You can see directly who has accepted the order instead of having to call many possibilities.

Survey Forms Quiply App
Channels health care

Valuing and retaining caregivers

Nothing is more valuable in nursing than satisfied staff. Employee retention is a major issue. Transparent communication is an important basis for a good working atmosphere and motivation. This basis can be provided with the employee app in the condensed daily routine. Benefits and offers can also be presented directly to employees.

With the Quiply employee app, all colleagues can be networked and informed - even without an email address. The social exchange is thus also directed in better ways, beautiful moments could be shared just as other experiences are caught up in the group. Whether birthdays, anniversaries or new members, everyone is informed about important events at the same time and can exchange information with each other. This is the right breeding ground for good relationships and better bonding.

Perform care tasks easily

Optimise patient care with the task module! More time for the important things: With targeted assignment of tasks within the team - be it medication administration, care documentation or other tasks. Organise pending tasks according to urgency for a smooth process. Use tags for categorisation, e.g. by patient name or special care requirements. Three views allow you to keep track of current, future or all tasks. Receive instant updates on completed tasks and relevant changes through push notifications. Efficient care management - anytime, anywhere.

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Employee-App advantages

Easy & Intuitive

Without training, users can simply get started with Quiply. The introduction process succeeds better than one might think, regardless of age. The administration is designed to be as logical and time-saving as possible.

Security & Privacy

Personal data is well protected in the Quiply app. Complies with GDPR and Swiss DSG. Information about patients or the data of caregivers - the Quiply app meets the highest security standards.

Reach all

Whether across stations or locations, with the Quiply app everyone can be reached at the same time. This way, you can coordinate quickly and involve everyone, and everyone is informed about news. A sign of appreciation in stressful everyday life.

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Put Quiply through its paces for free

Book a Demo

What our customers say

"Whether an app has increased employee retention? Definitely! The comments in the app were directly friendly, there is a higher appreciation for each other. I felt something was happening!"
Philipp R. Ostermann, Managing Director, VidoMed Gesellschaft für ganzheitliche Pflege mbH
"On our agenda last year was the introduction of an employee app. After intensive research, we chose Quiply because it was the app best suited to our needs."
Annika Rusert, Ass. of the management, Hüttenhospital in Dortmund
"I'm amazed. So many new things in the app, and I thought it was already perfect."
Svenja Müller, Communications Officer, aarReha Schinznach
"Of all the apps and providers tested, Quiply was indeed the app that resonated most with employees in comparison. It's easy to use and all of our requirements were met: a custom app with our own branding, logo and colors were also possible."
- Eike Kuhrcke, Managing Director, Kuhrcke GmbH
"We implemented Quiply just before the Corona lockdown. From day one, Quiply has made communication much easier for us. And after more than a year, we're still thrilled with the app and highly recommend it."
Gaby Baumann, Head of personnel, aarReha Schinznach
"Quiply's employee app allows us to easily and efficiently ensure that all of our employees across all divisions and departments are provided with the information relevant to their jobs."
Tobias Diener, Director, Zollinger Stiftung (Pflegezentrum & Spitex)

Book a Demo of our Employee-App free of charge

Learn why you want to use the #1 Employee-App

Our employee app is perfect for use in your business. Experience for yourself

  • how easy it is to use the app
  • how you benefit from digital processes
  • how you can reach all employees at the same time

We will invite you to a personal private demo and find out how the App can improve your communications. Free and no obligations.

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