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Quiply. Empowering everyone everywhere

Success Stories
our customers

Your #1 Employee-App

easy • accessible • communicative

Success Stories01

Quiply is used by over 200 customers. With more than 50,000 users, Quiply drives internal communication in companies. Read the success stories of our customers who are already well connected. What have they achieved with an employee app and what are the use cases?

Success Stories from Quiply

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Fast communication in the industry

The traditional company Fränkische Rohrwerke Gebr. Kirchner GmbH & Co. KG employs over 5, 800people at 19 locations worldwide. With the introduction of an employee app, the family-owned company wanted to reach all employees, whether industrial or commercial, and replace the bulletin board for employee communication. Read the success story to find out what else has improved as a result of the introduction of Quiply.

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How Quiply connects an entire local community

The Andermatt Swiss Alps Group is a project and construction developer, operates a wide variety of facilities and employs more than 1,000 people from 45 nationalities during the high season, including many seasonal workers. A great many employees are mobile and work in many different areas, which complicated networking with everyone. Since the introduction of Quiply's employee app in 2018, Andermatt SwissAlps Group has been able to improve its authoritative internal communication. Read the success story to find out which specific goals the customer has achieved.

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More efficiency in the hospital

At Hüttenhospital, a team of more than 300 employees takes care of the health needs of older people. The focus of their work is on the patients entrusted to them and their families. Since they started using Quiply's employee app for internal communication, all employees can now get their work-related information quickly. Read the whole success story here.

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"Thanks to the app, we have taken a big step towards digitization. Everything ran smoothly. And internal communication has become much better. As a family business, personal contact with the management level is very important, so we were able to maintain this even in times of pandemic. With the app, we have a means of expressing genuine appreciation."
Carolin Klauer, Teammanager Onlinemarketing, Fränkische Rohrwerke Gebr. Kirchner GmbH & Co KG
"The app was recommended to us by a company that was already using Quiply. Quiply was very well received by our employees. (...) And we have definitely achieved our goals for internal communication. But Quiply still has so many possibilities: We want to exploit the full potential in any case!"
Alina Kramer, Marketing, G. Kraft Maschinenbau GmbH
"With our Quiply-based Moving app, we publish internal job advertisements and job postings directly and immediately to interested employees, regardless of which subsidiary they work for. This makes it very easy for us to show development opportunities to interested employees and thus bind them much more strongly to our company."
Javier Tejero, Human Resources Director, Meliá Hotels International
"On the intranet, it took a long time to publish content. In the Quiply app, this is faster. It is best tailored for our needs. Part-time employees can now check what has changed from home." On simplifications with Quiply forms, "It's the best process ever!"
Annika Rusert, Ass. Executive Management, Hüttenhospital in Dortmund
"From day one, Quiply has made communication much easier for us. And even after more than a year, we are still thrilled with the app and can highly recommend it. And: It's really great to see that customer feedback is taken seriously and that this is also implemented."
Gaby Baumann, Head of Human Resources, aarReha Schinznach
"Quiply's employee app allows us to easily and efficiently ensure that all of our employees, across all divisions and departments, are always provided with the information relevant to their jobs."
Tobias Diener, Director, Zollinger Foundation (Care Center & Spitex)
"Whether an employee app has increased employee retention? Definitely! The comments in our app are friendly, there has been a higher appreciation for each other. I have sensed: something is happening."
Philipp R. Ostermann, CEO, VidoMed Gesellschaft für ganzheitliche Pflege mbH
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